Spark community cohesion and have fun by being part of something historic. Join us by exchanging gifts with the public and businesses; all whilst supporting charity.

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Featured Gifts in the Exchange


£20 Gift Voucher or A Paddington Bear

We believe we have one of the largest selections of teddy bears anywhere in Britain. On this site we have…

£25 Gift Voucher on Children’s Clothing

Our Norwich-based shop and online store sell gorgeous children’s clothing and gifts. Coccolino sources its stock from countries such as…

£30 Gift Voucher for The Shoebox Experiences

The Shoebox Experiences delivers exciting, unique experiences where customers can make great memories together. If you’re looking for a fun…

1 Yr Subscription EDP/Evening News

A free, 1 year subscription to the EDP or Norfolk Evening News printed newspapers.

Signed Copy of Mythos

You’ll receive a hand signed copy of Stephen’s new book Mythos: The Illustrated Story. Step into Stephen Fry’s richly colourful…

A New Outfit Every Month For a Year

Enjoy a Year of Fashion with New-U! Indulge in a monthly fashion spree at New-U, in Castle Quarter. Every month…

How it works

Celebrate community and generosity by joining the excitement and connecting with local businesses, makers, artists, and the general public. Offer a product, a crafted item, or a simple act of kindness – it doesn’t have to cost you a penny to participate, and you’ll receive a surprise gift in return. As well as exchanging gifts, you’ll swap stories, connecting with someone you might have never known.

Don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience and your chance to support the vital work of the New-U charity.

Create Account

Businesses, makers, artists and the general public can create an account instantly

Add Your Gift

Once registered, add your gift to the exchange with a simple form.

Attend Live Event

Come on 12th Oct, collect your surprise gift and open it after a live countdown.

Bid on Auction

See the post-event auction to bid on donated gifts, raising money for the New-U charity.

Why take part?

Gifted Norwich isn’t just about receiving a gift; it’s an experience. Feel the excitement of exchanging something unexpected, the thrill of discovering a hidden gem. Through a small gift of kindness, you’ll spread joy, connect with your community, and play a role in tackling real-world problems.

By gifting products, services, or gift cards, businesses gain exposure to a large, diverse audience within the community. The best and quirkiest gifts will gain more exposure on the platform and social media. Demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility and build positive brand association.

An incredible opportunity to showcase your work to a wider audience. The event’s far-reaching appeal means your handmade items will be appreciated by thousands of potential customers. This exposure can translate into increased sales, recognition, and even valuable commissions.